Episode 174: Hey FEMnation, 2023 is here and it’s going to be powerful!

As 2022 wraps up peacefully, 2023 is knocking at the door. What's cooking?? 

In this episode, I share a little more of what I've been working on behind the scenes and what you can expect in 2023.

Join me in this overview episode.


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Episode Transcript:


Welcome back FEM Nation. So glad you're here with me again today. Thank you for being a part of my world, a part of the big picture, part of seeking something that's a little bit different and a little bit more, I think I'm using the word authentic too many times, but whatever. Authentic is what it is, right? Seeking different, being different, building differently as you scale your business. This episode, I wanna just give you an idea of what the world looks like for White Dove and her business moving forward. This is not a call to action, this is not an invitation. Those will come at different points, but I want to give you a heads up of what opportunities will be existing in my world for anyone you, maybe not you. My ideal client, maybe not my ideal client. Doesn't matter. I really don't worry about who it's for because I know that will come.


But I will be offering an opening, an opportunity for an accelerator program. The first round of this is going to be, and I'm pretty excited about it. Guys I wanted to hesitate for a second cause I know that you listened to me on audio, and of course I'm recording with video because I do repurpose content. But this opportunity for the accelerator is going to be very, very specific to a very specific person, very specific, ideal client. It's not going to be for everyone, but I want you to know that if anything you take away from this episode, it could be the fact that you see how white devs creating programs, how white devs putting things together. So my accelerator is going to launch officially with a beta team or a beta or founders group, or beta group, whatever you wanna call it. I don't get stuck with the names or titles of it, but it's going to launch with a small handful of deeply, deeply impact driven, value-based business owners who are looking to finally put that whole piece together, the whole program from audience building to marketing, to understanding their unique process, to delivering the outcome, to supporting their clients, to launching all of those things.


And then of course, optimizing the process, creating funnels if necessary. Although my simplified version is pretty funnel less but being able to have the pieces that are necessary for you to be efficient and efficiency actually looks a little bit different from everyone. But diving into all of those pieces together for you to build your coaching or consulting practice is what the accelerator is for. Now, I don't market to convince, and so my marketing strategy is simply going to be doing exactly what I'm doing. I write with a call to action. I write inviting people to it. I write putting content out there and allowing the right people to come to me. But with the accelerator, it will be a vetting process because that's my high ticket offer, and I have to have a vetting process because I know specifically who can have the outcomes from it.


But at the same time, everybody can hack what I'm doing when they watch me market, when they watch me share any content, when they watch me put things together, you can see how I do that. But I do it in a simplified manner. I don't go out there and have a big marketing team and spend thousands of dollars to get people in. I will play the long game with that one, but it doesn't have to be the long game, because the long game was for me, the strategy that I created, the process that I created, the method that I love most is the one that I put together because I know it works. And so I'm opening up the accelerator to take the first round of students through it, clients through it, friends through it for that success. And it's going to be priced at a reasonable high ticket offer price.


It's not going to be low. I can't, but if I'm taking you to a six figure threshold in your coaching business over that course of time and spending that with you and investing that in you, I want outcomes too. That's why not everybody's going to be available for it, but I want outcomes for you. So if it's not a good fit, I will have other things, which I'll tell you what those will be in just a minute. But if it is a good fit, I know I can get you to that threshold. And a lot of times at this level, this accelerator level for who this accelerator is for hitting that six figure threshold is the first benchmark. Do I know unequivocally that I can take someone from zero to six figures in a coaching business in their first year? Yes. Yes, I can. And it's not watching a bunch of videos, although videos are there. Yes, foundational content is best utilized in a video, but it's not Watching a bunch of videos and having someone come along and hopefully understand what it looks like to build a business.


It doesn't work that way, but that's why I do what I do, is because I'm tired of seeing it that way. And so I put the pieces together much less than I want to build it myself. I mean, I wanted to hit that six figure threshold in any pivot or new process or new venture. That's of course the first threshold. Absolutely. But do I know if I could take people through to that on a creating a coaching program? 100%, yes. And so this first round will be my case studies. This first round will be people that already know me, trust me, have been watching my process, have been following my process and are ready to say yes. I just haven't offered it yet. That's what that's going to be. And guys, it's not even open right now. I'm just telling you my process and what's going to work for me so that you can hack it just simply by listening to this and hearing that there are different ways to create things. But also if it is for you, maybe it isn't today, maybe it'll work on you. Maybe it'll will be when I open this, it will be in the new year. But aside from the accelerator, which I'm so super excited about actually, cuz I can't wait to take some amazing entrepreneurs through that.


But aside from that, here's what the mid ticket is. The mid ticket is going to be one-off workshops that parallel one tiny aspect of my entire program, the accelerator itself. I take one little piece and I hyper focus on that, offer it as a mid ticket offer, and I will offer those. But I do not guarantee win because sometimes my creative urge just doesn't there. And I don't ever wanna come across with spending a dedicated day with people in the workshops and not really being in line with that topic, that specific piece. So I don't ever put them out there like Fe January and February, March and the year or the dates. I don't do it that way. It's usually about a two to three week window. I'm going to do this workshop on that date. I already know the outcome that's going to come from that workshop.


I already know the changes that are made for those people that attend. And a lot of times the people that attend are not quite ready for the accelerator, but they just need this piece. So that's why I break up pieces and parts of what make the entire whole with the accelerator into these workshops and offer them at a very different level of opportunity. Get this one thing. If you want the whole picture, if you want me to walk with you in the entire process and here's this thing, here's the accelerator. But if you only need to work on this one thing, which still is part of that, but hyper focus on the one thing, that's where these workshops come to play. And you guys can do it this way. You can do it this way too. And then the third, right now, it's a free group. I never really had a group that ever took off and then I randomly just made this one and it's like wildfire. But I knew who my ideal client was. I was very much connected to them and I wasn't concerned with trying to create it to convert anything. And I don't pitch inside this group. I do say things every now and then, but I never actually pitch inside this group because it's there for its own purpose. Could I make this group a low ticket offer? Absolutely. But I didn't want to.


But in teaching people to know what a low ticket offer looks like and how it can be in a different container, it doesn't have to be a minicourse. It doesn't have to be a three day challenge or a five day challenge. It doesn't have to be time consuming. You don't have to get a bunch of speakers for it. You don't have to chase creating a bunch of graphics or design or worksheets for homework for people. You don't have to do that. In fact, my strongest, strongest thought process with that is that if that's what's being done right now, it's already a dead model. Anything that's being done as a strategy right now is dead if the strategy is what you're learning. So challenges are people that spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a lot of people in front of the idea of a challenge, only to get a conversion percentage of that and then to turn around and hope to close some if you're working based on volume, sure, I'm not working based on volume.


I'm working based on intention and contact and relationship. I want my ideal client to be somebody that I enjoy being around that I truly authentically connect with them. That if we go on a retreat together, and yes, that's going to be something that is in my accelerator, but if we go on a retreat together, I wanna be able to hang out and spend time. We have the same values, we desire the same things. We desire intentionality. We desire connection, authenticity, truly desire it. We don't look for it as buzzwords and we hate it when we see it used that way. But it's okay because it is still real. But I want my ideal clients very specifically to know that I'm a person that they wanna work with. But that's because they already me. I already established, I already built that. I already put the time in, but I didn't have to do it in spammy gross marketing. I just showed up who I am. I'm not afraid to say what's available when the availability comes around. But that's a lesson you need to learn too. You need to understand that that's available to you. I'm not here to play the short game. I'm not here to convert BA based on volume. I'm here to work with people and make an impact and make a change in lives that truly want to make an impact and a change in lives that are coming to them.


That's the difference. But that's why I set up my programs to be different. That's why my accelerator is going to be the whole thing. Yes, I will spend my time with you. I would love to spend my time with you and I want to see you cross that threshold of six figures. And it is possible. Absolutely is possible. And then for those that aren't ready for that, I will bring them into an opportunity to where we still get to spend time together. It's just not the same way. We'll hyperfocus on something that you do need to learn that is part of my process that is valuable and still holds true to the same integrity, same values.


And then I will meet you and get to know you and understand you so that you get to meet me, understand me in a very, very simplified either open or paid low ticket opportunity, but I'm still meeting you with something that is still part of my entire process. But you do need to learn my group. That could be paid, but it's not. It's a free group. So anybody's free to join it if you choose to participate. But that group itself, what I teach and what I cover in that group is very specific to the foundation of what you're going to need to do later on down the road. See, you might as well get started with it. Now, do I hope that those people will be future clients for something else? Oh sure. But I'm not in there to pitch them. If they never do anything with me on any future program.


If they never pay me a dime for anything else, will they be better off from what they learn in that group? Absolutely. And I can stand with integrity there. I'm not just a bunch of hype and words and fluff and encouragement. I'm not here just to motivate. I'm here to change lives and I change it at various levels, various price points, various ways to do that, showing you what's possible in your coaching or consulting business, showing you where you create your program, that really lights you up. And don't get me wrong, guys, I did it. I did it all the other ways before. You have no idea how many low ticket, mid ticket, high ticket offers I've created out there and spent thousands investing to create out there. Never saw the light up day because there was something else. It wasn't quite what I was looking for, but I needed to go through that process. It was not for nothing. I needed to go through that process to see how difficult it is and to be able to invest the levels of investment that I've done to be able to find what that is and share that with you.


But sharing what's available, and that's why I'm putting this straight up in a podcast episode, sharing what's available should not feel like we need to hide it in a closet or put it behind some marketing strategy. Sharing what's available is very fair. I'm a business coach. I take people from where they are to what they are looking to create as a coaching or consulting business. And there's nothing wrong with that. Strategically aligned, absolutely in integrity with all of the business pieces necessary coming from all of my background and what I know, including business strategy, including accounting, including numbers, including actually making this a business. All of those pieces, yes, I'll bring those to the table. I always do.


And that's why I was partly why it was hard to really nail it down because I couldn't just do one focus because all of the pieces are necessary in order to build a business that is scalable, that can achieve what you want it to achieve. That was hard for me. Can I sell knowledge and then go blast it out there, one little piece and share it all over the world and put it behind a bunch of ads spent, and hopefully some people will take it and buy it and I'll ride away into the sunset with $50,000 a month of recurring revenue or mini low ticket or opt-ins. Yeah, but it leaves me wanting something else. It leaves me wanting more.


It leaves me slightly empty because anybody can go do that. But most people aren't willing to go to the depths, to the level of connection that I desire from my ideal clients that they know that's what they want as well. So yes, this is telling you what's coming up in the future. No, these things are not available except for the group. Yes, the group is available. You can find it on Facebook under letters to her and it'll be posted in the show notes. It's free. Come in. There is so much value, and I spend so much time, happily spend so much time in that group because I truly love to see people shift that perspective and go out there and tell the world that powerful statement, those powerful impacts that are meant, that are needed, really a change that is needed. So yes, that's available. The other things, the workshops will come along. Keep an eye out. The dates will be announced when I tell you when they're available. I don't know when are, my creative urge sees the moment the accelerator will open and it will be by application. It will open right around the new year to start vetting the right people for the right moment to come through and be that original beta group.


But we're going to have fun. We're going to build businesses, and we're going to make an impact, and we're going to change the world and we're going to generate income from it. That's fair. So if any of that is you find me on the dms anywhere out there, I'm there. That's me. But until then, keep moving forward, keep processing, keep finding truth, keep making an impact. I know that's what you want to do. And tell the world, don't hide it. Don't keep it for you. What good is that when you've got a calling? So I'll wrap it up there. Guys. Thank you for listening to this episode. I do value our time together and as always, keep moving forward.

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