Whitedove Gannon

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Episode 176: Unlocking the Power of Wisdom: Creating a Premium Offer

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In this episode, I dive into the conversation around creating a premium offer for your business. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for a while, you've probably heard the term "premium offer" thrown around a lot. But what does it really mean? And more importantly, how can you create your premium offer?

Join me as I dive into creating a premium offer.


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Episode transcript:


Welcome back FEM Nation. So excited to have you here again today. Let's talk about creating a premium offer. What does that mean? Well, last episode I spoke to you about wisdom versus knowledge and wisdom versus knowledge is what paves the road for your premium offer, right? Let's get to the nuts and bolts of creating an offer though. You need to have that baseline. You need to have a process, a baseline process that you take people through. So if you're a new coach or you're an established coach, but you're creating a new offer or you're raising your prices or doing something magnificent for this year in your business, if you're finally desiring to scale that business, you're going to need a premium offer. And what better way to do it than to create something that is intentional for those that want to work with you and not just a bunch of people. Here's what happens.


New business coach a just random figures out that this is an industry that really actually feels right, could provide revenue, could provide lifestyle freedom, could provide paying bills, could provide, I don't know, insert any desire there. That's a new revelation for a lot of new business coaches. And then what happens is we get pulled in a minute million different directions and we get overanalyzing the possibilities and then we pigeonhole ourselves into the knowledge industry that says, do this because this is what the analytics show, or this is what everything else is measuring, saying, do this topic, do that topic. And so you chase it for a minute, but it doesn't go anywhere. You do all the work, you do all the background, you do all the things necessary, you do all of the expected pieces because you have no problem with execution, but there's a lot of talk and a lot of busy work and a lot of things to follow and a lot of possibilities and a lot of ways to do it. That will send you off on tangents and your business is not going to thrive because of that. But the common push is to put you into a low


Ticket offer. Seems doable. It seems easier to achieve. It seems very, oh, unintrusive because you can create all this without any objection. You can create all this on the backend, but then when you get ready to offer it, you don't know what to do. You're not really sure, and then you don't really have an audience. Maybe some yes, some may have dabbled with it or maybe you're shifting your audience from an audience you had to completely new topic or a completely new offer. So here's why. The adjustment to what is taught in the online knowledge industry, this coaching world of taking people through a transformation as an offer needs to be flipped on its head. Because coming into this world and into this business is not going to work from a low ticket offer standpoint, it's easier to tell people's only a few bucks, but that ease comes from your inability to trust the value of what you're bringing in, the transformation, and that goes back to not understanding what the process is that you're creating to take them through to that transformation.


Not a hundred percent tied to it, not a hundred percent sure. So you doubt it, you price it low, get a few people in and test it out. That's not the way to do it though. You can't do it that way. You don't have the volume, you don't have the audience. You're not even sure your process or your method is going to produce the results you're looking for. There's a variable inside of each one of your ideal clients. So what you need to do instead, what example coach A needs to do is to reverse the process. Start with the premium. Start with the process. Start with your unique genius and build it from the top down. Build it from the process, and then you can adjust your price. You can spin one piece of the process off into a low ticket offer. You can spin another thing off into an opt-in, but instead of just throwing a process together cuz it sounds good, or throwing learning topics together in a course because they sound good, or just randomly assembling things together because maybe it's the right thing or it feels like the right process. Instead of doing that, look at what you've created


Or look at the transformation that you've gone through and make sure that it pairs with exactly what you want your ideal client to go through and experience and how you're going to go through and experience them with them. Then you shift the price point, then you increase the capacity for people to work with you in a financial model, then you scale, then you get efficient, then you outsource, then you add all the pieces on the backend. Once you know what that process is, once you've nailed down how you're going to take people through a transformation and to the other side based on how you viewed it would've been more efficient, what is that process for you? What is it that changes for you? And I'm focusing so much on this process piece, your unique genius, what sets you apart from everyone else in a very noisy industry?


Why I'm focusing so much on that is because it's the one thing that doesn't get the attention and all of the teaching that is noisy and in your face and paid ads in front of you on social that tells you just need this one thing. Can't teach you that. They don't teach you that because they can't spend the time with you at that price point that it takes to create the absolute transformation that you know is there. You just can't land on it properly. You don't quite see it. You need someone to say, this is what to focus on. This is your process, this is how we break it down. This is what changes.


And so you can go find that in bits and pieces and you can go find that in elements and you can go into someone's low ticket offer that seems to be successful and then hack the back end of it. You could do that to my stuff, but it's relatively simple. What you're going to find is that mine's relatively simple because I don't want to be caught up in all of it because you know why? The very reason I'm talking about this topic is because it's the one thing that never got addressed for me after years and years and promises and investments from low ticket all the way to high high ticket.


The one thing that I still needed someone to do was listen to me and say, there's your genius. There's the thing, all of the templates, all of the technical aspects of it, all of the containers and how we put it together and how we offer it and what we give them, how we structure it, how we change our mind with marketing, blah blah, blah. All of that comes later. That stuff will make sense when you know what your offer is, what your process is, that will make sense then, because then in your marketing, people can't object to you. Why? Because it's based on your journey in your offer. People aren't even compared to you because it's your journey, your process in your speaking on other people's stages. All of the pieces, I can knock those down, was saying that the root, the very base of all of this is your process.


And it takes much more wisdom to go through that process than it does. Knowledge. Knowledge can get you there, but wisdom, wisdom will show your clients the way. Trust your gut, trust yourself as a leader. Trust that when you are out there investing and learning and it's not quite adding up, go all in and utilize that investment. Go full circle so you know that you completed what was necessary to get done, but also be fair to yourself and say, Nope, that was not it, but I will go find it now. I will go find someone to help me get through. I will go find the pieces that I need in order to get to the very bottom of being a premium coach. That's then when your business will grow, when you will be able to scale, when you will be able to build past even what you thought was possible. This is an industry that is extremely valuable. This is an industry, the coaching industry. The coaching world is an industry that is not going anywhere anytime soon. But there is a lot of noise and there is a lot of crap and there is a lot of promises and there is a lot of twisted testimonials and there's a lot of everything. So don't ever invest on fear of missing out. Don't ever invest because it's a promise that you're


Only thing away. Don't ever invest especially on a high ticket or premium off if you are not getting direct connection, direct time with the person that created it. Because if you are not, then it's just an enterprise. And I know you and I am not here to be another number in someone else's enterprise. We're here to make a difference. And if you really truly want to make that difference and you are willing and ready to execute on what it is that needs to get done, keep seeking the people, seek for them that are able to give you an opportunity to see into the depth of what it is that you're trying to do instead of just telling you good words.


A lot of marketing fluff guys, it's the biggest conversion piece, a lot of marketing. But be wise, lead your business and yourself wisely. Create the process from which everything else flows and be willing to charge premium prices for it. Don't shy away. Cuz if you want to hit a six figure exponential growth and you do not have volumes of audiences, you can't hit that number unless you have a premium offer. So go check out what it is you've created so far. Are you in love with the transformation? Are you unequivocally sure that you can get results? Are you certain that this is what can change for you and others? And then make adjustments as needed? But as always, keep moving forward.