Whitedove Gannon

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Episode 172: Why Offer Creating Entrepreneurs Should Write Their Own Content

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The success of your program or offer depends on whether or not you are willing to learn how to get your message across.

Writing is a fundamental muscle that takes practice. It's also a key process to truly understand our ideal client.

Copywriters are so valuable....but bring them on only after you can articulate exactly what it is you actually do as a coach.

Listen to this quick episode on WHY writing is a practice your coaching business needs from you.

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Community Letters to HER

Episode Transcript:


Welcome back FEMNation. So glad to have you here again. You guys, this podcast is quite a thing, right? So much learning and so much of the evolution process of what it is that we're actually building, right?


But I'm always grateful that you're listening whoever you are. I don't get to know what that is or who that is or how that works or how you even came about this foundation podcast or how you even came into this world of whatever it is that I'm showing you or teaching you or walking through this journey with you. And if you want to connect outside of this podcast episode, please do reach out to me, find me on social, and let's continue the conversation. And that being said, I want to dive into the topic of writing today because if you're building a business or you have a business and you're getting ready to go out there and expand your business, you're going to have to write. And I'm telling you, I know tons of copywriters out there. I love copywriters. But we tend to find copywriters that we like their voice when we want them to write for us.


We like their voice, how they show up, how they write, how the writing flows. We love that, right? It's beautiful. But if we don't know our voice, they can't help us find our voice, they're going to end up writing your content in their voice still. It can be cool and it can be amazing, and it can be great, but there's going to be a little pit in your stomach at some point in time where you just don't feel like your voice is being shared all the way through transparently from beginning to end that your ideal client gets to see you, feel you be a part of your world. It's very, very, very weird spot to be in and one that I had been seeking for quite a few years in this industry, but I didn't know how to find my voice. You see, I didn't start out as a writer per se, but about three years ago, I began daring to be rejected.


And I wrote a post on this a while back, but it has to do with the same thought process. But I was like, you know what? Forget this. I need to start sharing what I know and figuring it out in my writing to find my voice. Let go of the need to convert to a sale at that particular moment, but be able to just start showing up. Just start being in the space, being findable, saying something that matters. Feeling the world softened for my day because I did the one thing that I was needing to do in order to move myself forward. Even if I was still working on building a program, even if I was doing podcasting or recording interviews or recording teaching videos for my course or whatever it is, whatever it is that was out there, I never quite felt like I came full circle on my day if I didn't share my voice.


So I needed to start trying that. I needed to start testing that and I needed to start moving in that direction. Now, the people that follow my podcast or follow my content or follow me in general, small and mighty as they may be, because I don't have this big huge influence audience, nor nor is that my goal really. But I do have a message and I do have a way to say it. And I do have a way to share the possibility that's out there that differs from so many people that are doing it. But it's because I worked on it very, very, very hard. And if you are one of those people that continue to follow me or listen to this or listening to this podcast, maybe you found it and it's striking a chord with you. It's because you have a similar desire to show up in a deeply impactful way to this world that you have a program or you're building a program that's going to bring about change and transformation.


But how do you share that? How do you get that message out without sounding like all of the crappy ways that we see everybody showing up out there, all the tactics that they teach us to just blast the content or post this or that, or this formula or that strategy? Screw it. Forget all that. You're looking for something deeper, and I know you because I am you. It's exactly where I was and where I am. And guys, I'm going to tell you something transparently right here real quick. As a side note, there are days when I don't have the urge to write and I don't force it. Sometimes I'll have content I started and then I disconnect from that content as I'm writing it or something comes up and derails me for a moment, life gets in the way and I come back to it.


My heart's not in it. I can't feel the message anymore. It's okay. I leave it. I just leave it. And then there are days, those days when I don't have content and I don't feel a writing urge, I'll go back through some of the notes and some of the letters to my ideal client that I started writing and just lost connection to. And I'll go back through them and see something pulling a connection again, is there something in the message? Because the message didn't start for no reason. I just wasn't able to finish it in that moment. But maybe today is the moment. Maybe now's the moment, maybe my inspiration urge is not on fire for the day, and so I'm not really sure what to write. And if I scroll through that and I just work with it a little bit, I spend some time with it.


It still doesn't come about. I let it be because the beauty of being consistent with content means that I don't always have to show up. But that's because I've been showing up quite regularly every bit of close to five times a week for the last couple years. And there are times where there are breaks admittedly, but those are usually because of major transformations or major transitions in my life at the moment that just, I needed to stop, but my content was still living on. That's the power of the algorithm. I was still reaching out and building my audience friend, requesting people, adding them to my circle, adding to adding them to my friends on social media. And if I'm their jam, great. If I'm not, it's okay. It's okay. I'm not for everyone. You're not for everyone. And that's okay. But I don't post any writings of mine for the engagement factor.


I want you to let that go. We'll talk about the writing element of it, what that's all about in a minute. But I want you to let go of posting for validation from engagement. That is not where it's going to happen. The numbers are not an indicator because those numbers may actually be wrong. They may not even be your ideal client. They may be someone that's just super supportive of you and that's great, but that's not your ideal client. So don't do it for the engagement. Do it because the message needs to get out. Do it. More importantly, because you are working on that message, you are finding your voice, you are putting your truth out there so that somebody along the way later on down the road, as they're scrolling your content and looking back at what you shared still feels an authentic connection to it because you are authentic in the moment.


That doesn't die, but crap content dies. It looks like more of the same, and we don't love that. So writing, why is that important? Why is using this amazing tool an opportunity for you to become successful in the future? Why is this a step that you need to be taking? If you have not and you have a program already built out and you're wondering where to go from here, why is writing so important? Why do I talk about that so much? Because the foundation of finding your uniqueness begins there. When you're building your program, you're going to get a lot of voices in the industry that are going to tell you how to build your program, but it's not going to always land. Most of the time it's not going to land much because it's still surface. You cannot get to those layers unless you have done the work to get to those layers.


Writing does that for you. So if you're in the process of building a program or a course or you're starting out in your coaching business and you wanna pro to have your unique process, which is very doable, to take your clients through, start writing to her or him, start writing the things that you want to say to them as they come up to you, start writing. If you want to be a business coach and take people through a process, start writing about that process, you're going to start out with it being very, very systematic. But as you go through articulating why your system or pieces or parts of your system works, cuz you're going to have to get to those layers of why the real layers, not just because you wanna help them make money or you wanna help them scale or you wanna help them achieve X, Y, Z financial process because you want to get to the bottom of why they want that financial growth or that scalability or making that X amount of dollars.


When you write to that human on that level, you don't have to convince them. Strategy is always going to exist. How you piece the strategy together is an art for sure, but it's going to be more impactful and you're going to understand the outcome at a micro and macro level if you really know the person that you're writing to and don't do the demographics of ideal client, forget that. That's such an old strategy and it's a really lame cheap way for so many people in the industry to not work on something that is a little harder to work on.


Go figure out who this person is. Make this ideal client up in your mind. Put some demographics behind them. Sure, everybody's doing that and you don't really know her or him. You think you do because all of the surface pieces came into play. But then how do you articulate that? If you truly desire to stand out from the crowd, how do you articulate that? How do you change the world simply with your words so that if it come across your profile and they never work with you, they're still going to be better off for seeing your content, right? How do you do that? If you're only sitting on an ideal client demographic, speak to their heart, speak to their soul because you are speaking from your heart, your soul. Speak to them as they are navigating the pain of the change that they are seeking. Speak to them today where they are.


Know them. Love them. See them. Be with them. Talk to them in your writing because as you do that, you will start to understand the shift that you are bringing to them through your words and your program at a much deeper level. That's why writing's important. That's what was missing for so long and that's what I dared to try. Being willing to give up my entire audience of people that don't vibe with it to find it, but you already have it my friend. You already have it and I want to encourage you to write, I want to encourage you to move forward in finding that depth and that level and that connection so that transformation in your writing alone changes the world. And your truth is your truth. You went through it, but then your writing helps your program to where you don't even have to convince people.


You know the outcome. You bring them through, you tell them, you write to them, they can read it. You build that no like and trust that everybody in this industry wants, but you're doing it through the process. You're doing it through going into the layers. You're doing it through daring to look at the hard parts that you went through, understanding at a very fundamental level, the pain that they are walking through at this particular moment. Getting to know what the pain is behind the surface of what they think they're looking for. But you know what it is that's going to change. This works for any industry service base. This works for business, this works for gen, helping people generate wealth, money. This works for changing their health. This works for internal changes for them and it works for external relationships for them. It works everywhere because the one thing that we desire the most now is truly authentic connection and we see a lot of wood bees out there that don't think about it that way, but try to convince you they are, let's go do it different.


I think it's a good spot to wrap this episode up. That's a lot, right guys? It's a lot to dive into and think of, but I want you to dive into and think of this. I want you to be moved with this because if you part of my world, if you are part of my audience, you want that deeper connection cuz only people that want the deeper connection are going to relate to what I have to say in my writing or in my podcast or any speaking that I do because I can't do it on the surface. Never. Let's go be deeper together. How's that sound? I mean, that's it for today. I appreciate you guys for sticking with me, being with me, putting your heart on the line, hearing mine, but most importantly, I wanna remind you to keep moving forward.